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Today is your test


Today is a test. Today is a day that as they say "separates the men from the boys". Truthfully, the weather will be challenging. It will be in the 40s and raining. It will be what most people consider impossible. It will test resiliency. This "resiliency" is one of the pillars of Iron Blaze SC. It is a key component for those in the military. Tough will happen, non ideal will happen, push through. You will get punched in the face, push forward.

In a world full of snowflakes, resiliency is almost extinct. If the generation of American men and women who fought and held down the fort back home in the 1940s didn't have it, we would probably be speaking German now. My grandfather's plane was shot down and he was captured. He escaped POW camp and walked across much of Europe. My Grandmother was in Macon, GA making ammunition in a converted factory because that was what needed to be done. Resilient.

The test is about will you let a simple factor (the weather) you cannot control change your mentality. Will you let it "depress you"? Will it "be too hard?" The weather will be short lived, it will pass, it will change. Will you show up and get better or will you stay at home and stay comfy. Will you get comfortable being uncomfortable or will you melt like a snowflake? This simple test will do more than any of those stupid facebook tests to answer questions about your true character. Quitters quit. It's just what they do. Today we are back to Wisconsin for horizontal row focus. Physically, you are all strong. Today will tell you if you are mentally strong. In life, that matters more anyways. Upper.

See ya in the woods.

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