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R you ready?


It is Monday which means we must bring out our inner meathead and bench press today. (total coincidence) Today's session is "R" and I expect lots of 4 letter words but not that C-word that gets tossed around too damn much.

Why the bench press? Well- it is an easily measurable standard of horizontal pressing. Horizontal pressing strength is an important strength to have much like all movement patterns. Pushing will be the primary pattern of the day.

I have been busy this weekend moving data over to the new record keeping protocol. I still have a lot left to do but it was kinda fun to see the increases in weights used as I went through training session logs. It was interesting to see where someone said "55x5@ 9.5" meaning that was pretty much an "ALL I had" set a month later turns into "65x5@7.5" meaning that was a solid but not too difficult set. Today before the session, I will show you how I want to document. Self documenters- it may turn out to be too much for you to do both. Make sure these notebooks are the priority. You may or may not have noticed, I try to often adjust weights for you guys quite often and if it is on some other notebook or phone, I can't see it. See ya in a bit.

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