Felix had a pretty constant cough yesterday and apparently through the night. I will be taking him to the doctor this morning so they can tell me he is fine but I need that note so he can go to day care. It is a "symptom". These days, a symptom kicks you out of school for 3 days unless a doctor's note says the kid is fine. There will still be a 5:30 session today for Tennessee 4. Two spots open currently. The last time you did TN was
Dec 6
Dec 15
Dec 23
What were your distances those days? Get ready to beat them.
The focus will be on the squatting.
KB 5/4 Goblet squat
Lmine Rotational Clean to Press
TRX Bulgarian Split Squats
SA pulldowns
Sbag SL RDL to Row
TRX hand walks
If you would like to come lift some weights this morning, feel free to swing on over to 1895 Palin Ave. Text me if you are coming.
This is the last week of the current cycle.