Another wet spring thunderstorm filled morning is here as we rock the third round of New Hampshire.
Horizontal Pressing will be the primary focus
trx rows
band press
KB Swing- alternating
Landmine 2 arm strict press
Pallof Reverse Lunge
Upper Pavilion today is probably best with it being probably extra wet.
Cell phones are getting a bit too involved. If you have emergency, you need to tell me and I will keep an eye on it. If you use your phone because you forgot or didn't charge your GPS device, that's fine. Put it on silent and away from you until it is time to run. Otherwise, keep them in your car. If you can't go 60 minutes without your cell phone, you have a problem. If the idea of not having your cell phone nearby for 1 hour isn't really something you are interested in, I have done a poor job of communicating what this program is about and what you should be learning besides exercise. You need to focus on what you are doing and what is right in front of you and around you, not the rest of the world.
See ya up top.