I want to bring this to your attention.
This is a 10k at Callaway Gardens at night that is run through the "Fantasy in Lights". The interesting thing is that the 10k is about the same price as a ticket to the Fantasy in Lights as a normal event. It is designed for all levels from runners to strollers. It looks like a fun time.
Today we will be in the upper pavilion. We are going to work on 3 things. You will not be on the trails. The main thing I want to work on is self care. There is one staple to my fitness routine that never goes away. A foam roll. I use it before and often during EVERY workout. The key to the foam roll is that you have to really have some body awareness. Breathing and focus are key. It is a tool that when properly used helps you recover, perform, stay healthy. While I use it I am constantly making adjustments and mental notations. I often use a lacrosse ball, a baseball, a tennis ball and other tools as well. There aren't many pro athletes that don't have and USE a plethora of these. You can even buy balls and rolls that vibrate. I will show you quite a few things on it today.
We will also work on our front squat today. This is the weakest movement as a group according to symmetricstrength.com and we will continue to improve upon it. Much of it has to do with mobility. The front squat requires hip, knee, shoulder and wrist mobility which stems from good STABILITY.
The Prowler will also make an appearance today in case you are in the mood to vomit.
3 goals today.
1.Learn how to create a pre workout routine to help you be ready and stay healthy
2. Improve on your front squat score
3. Don't puke on the Prowler